Who Needs Green Cleaning Most

People with low vision and those who don't react to bedbug bites may not be aware of the extent of their housekeeping problem...According to this video's narrator, the tenant didn't even report any bedbugs...If you think you or someone you know may have bedbugs, you should call 311, your local health department, or a qualified professional housekeeper to evaluate the situation.

As we mature, most of us accumulate treasured objects and reminders of loved ones and precious moments from times gone by. Those of us living in smaller quarters face special housekeeping challenges, especially when it comes to keeping the floor clear of clutter to allow for cleaning. Good sanitation is necessary to avoid toxic extermination procedures that are harmful and ineffective, especially in multi-dwelling units like apartment buildings and residential hotels. Older residents are more likely to spend more time inside their units, increasing the necessity for safe and non-toxic cleaning, decluttering and pest abatement procedures. View a community-outreach project here, and learn how our seniors need to be aware of the risks associated with indoor contaminants like pesticides, and that there are cost-effective green alternatives available.

For your next viewing entertainment, here's the story of a man who thought he was renting a new, clean mattress...