
Fighting fire with fire is the concept behind Dust to Dust's name and strategic approach to eliminating crawling pests without toxic pesticides. A non-toxic powder that creates a physical barrier to bedbugs' nightly migrations is one of the tactics used to keep clients free from annoying pests.

There are many other free or low-cost methods and materials available to strategically eliminate pests the non-toxic way, and Dust to Dust provides the client with information on the best ways to ensure your home's cleanliness and comfort.

When you book an appointment, you will receive a checklist of services from which to choose either full service (from organizing to cleaning and personal care) or selected services of your choice. In addition to cleaning, other services available include digital archiving of old scrapbooking materials, and installation of storage racks to keep your belongings neat, tidy and up off the floor.

When you choose the green cleaning approach to pest control, you're taking the right path, but there is no magic wand or pixie dust that will do away with the pesky bugs that can make life so miserable. You've made a choice to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and use some elbow grease and common sense against the vermin invading your home. When you choose green cleaning you're committing to a lifestyle that benefits your health, your home, and the environment.