What to Look for in Green Cleaning

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What you should get from experienced cleaning professionals:

Exclusivity: Your cleaners should only visit one home per day. This is to be sure no one is bringing “hitchhikers” from an infested dwelling when coming to clean your place.

Expertise: Look for staff that has years of experience quelling the regular problems of periodic ectoparasitic infestations (lice season in the schools for example). Find cleaning experts who can share their strategies and techniques to help keep you and your home pest-free forever.

Extreme Care: You might just want to make space and organize your things or create a digital record of them so you can “kiss and say goodbye” to treasured possessions you have no room for. Either way, your valuables and keepsakes are safe with us.

You May decide you are not ready or able to have a cleaning professional in your home. We can still help with your pest-control needs. Find out more here about our natural & non-toxic pest-control products that are safe enough to use on your own body…